November 17, 2008

For Today...

Outside my window...Darkness and dead sunflowers

I am thinking...about how tired I am

I am thankful, love and happiness

From the kitchen...Tofu "chicken" nuggets... they were yummy

I am wearing...Pink P.J Pants, White undershirt and barefeet

I am reading..."100 mile diet" and "The shack"

I am hoping...That all goes well at our work meeting tomorrow

I am creating.. a clean kitchen ;)

I am hearing...Video games in the background

Around the house... sewing patches on work pants....yuck

One of my favorite things...Libary books sales. $1.00 books

A few plans for the rest of the week...thinking about donating blood but I am kindof scared. Soap making class on Saturday and Work Christmas potluck on Saturday as well.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...

November 15, 2008

Fridays fave 5

Yes I know that its not Friday, I was busy last night....

1) The car being fixed. Our "multi function switch" was going. In short that ment that it sounded like the signal light was clicking all the time..but on drugs, like super annoying was that? Today I got it fixed no annoying clicking sound!!

2) The Shack. I am half way through this book for my book club and I love it! I am even taking notes!!

3) Hats!! I got a new hat this week,well really I got 2 but they were cheap! I love hats !

4) Bubble Bath.
Enough said

5) Hershey's special dark with almonds... in the bath

November 10, 2008

FOR TODAY November 10 2008...

Outside my window... a dark cool fall evening, my messy yard that I haven't gotten around to cleaning up yet. The snow should cover it soon...;)

I am thinking about... not too much, a todo list for tomorrow.

I am thankful for... the day off tomorrow.

I am wearing... pink fuzzy socks, pink pj pants a white tank top and a blue sweater. Yes I am matching challanged.

From the kitchen... perogies, and soup for tomorrows lunch.

I am creating... this blog

I am reading... "The Shack"by William P. Young . Reading it for book club. It is good so far.

I am hoping... I can get the car fixed tomorrow

I am hearing...Tim McGraw, the keyboard keys, and the sounds from the other room

Around the house... I need to clean out the closets before winter, clean the yard, and vaccum under the beds.

One of my favorite things... softlips chap stick

A few plans for the rest of the week... Take the car in, the signal light switch is sticking but not the light part just the clicking sound, very annoying. Clean out the closets and take some things to goodwill... and not buy anything when I am there, thats the hard part!

Here is picture thought I am sharing..... a pictures worth a thousand words

November 7, 2008

Friday Fave 5

1) Kicking Horse Coffee & Delay Brew Coffee Maker
Roasted in Invermere B.C ... So good when the alarm goes off in the morning . It is now dark when I go to work and dark when I get home.

2) Little Children dressed in cute costumes

3) Getting "The Shack " for $11.oo at Wal-Mart . It is our new book club read!!!

4) The smell of wood stove in the crisp air in the morning.

5) And Best of all having the laundrey done!!