November 17, 2008

For Today...

Outside my window...Darkness and dead sunflowers

I am thinking...about how tired I am

I am thankful, love and happiness

From the kitchen...Tofu "chicken" nuggets... they were yummy

I am wearing...Pink P.J Pants, White undershirt and barefeet

I am reading..."100 mile diet" and "The shack"

I am hoping...That all goes well at our work meeting tomorrow

I am creating.. a clean kitchen ;)

I am hearing...Video games in the background

Around the house... sewing patches on work pants....yuck

One of my favorite things...Libary books sales. $1.00 books

A few plans for the rest of the week...thinking about donating blood but I am kindof scared. Soap making class on Saturday and Work Christmas potluck on Saturday as well.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...