December 2, 2008


I have been thinking about thankfulness lately, and not because it was just thanksgiving, in Canada that was the second Monday in October. I have deiced that I need to be more thankful in general.

I have a good life, a good job (for the most part), a good man, a home, and food on the table, transportation, clothing... the list just goes on. Yet I still am not thankful and happy for what I have.So I have decided that every day and especially on Tuesdays I am going to spend some time dwelling on what I am truly thankful for. Feel free to join in!

Thankful Tuesday

Today I am thankful for... today I am thankful for my savior and the fact that no matter how I strayed I could always come back. I am also thankful for the fact that I expect more from myself then Luke expects from me. I am hard on myself and I am glad that others are not as hard as me.

And finally I am thankful for my coffee break ...... which is now up, so I must say
"bye for now"

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